15 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi

A teacher can change his /her students life. I am an example of this.If my english teacher hadnt conviced me to select foreign language department, I would select science department ,now maybe I would be in a different univercity. I observe that most of the students select science department ,some of them because of their parents force .The others think that in there they have got much more job opportunıty.People think that being in a science department is a indicator of intelligent mind so they force their children to select it but they forget that everybody cant deal with science ,maths .I think they require skills.While selecting the department my mind was very confused.To make my mind I said myself ”if I had got 100 points from maths exam ,I would have gone to science department also if I had get 95 points from english exam, I would have selected foreign language department. I realized both of them I got 100 points from math and 96 points from english exam so I couldnt get rid of confusion .then I went to talk wıth my english teacher.She told me everything about foreign language department .she wanted me to evaluate myself objectively.She said me ”everybody go science department , but they dont think whether they will be successful or not .In the end they find themself in a univercity or faculty which they dont want: moreover, they have got jobS which they have to do without pleasure.Everybody suppose that foreign language department has got few job oppurtunity.but it isnt true ,you may study to be english teacher yet you can be interpreter,translater.You can also learn some other languages in addition to english.You can work in hotels or as a guide.Also I believe you ,you will be successful.”After I had listened all of things I decided to be a member of foreign language department and I am not regret having made this decision.After I select this department my teacher did her best to prepare us .Thanks for everything my english teacher:)

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