30 Ekim 2008 Perşembe

It is spring time .Nature wakes up and it exhibits its beauty.New life is beginning for everyone .You can see all colours in nature.They charm us.But green weighs itself.Trees look like bride.Flowers surround us ;moreover, their scent remove us from daily lifes problems.They relax us .Pure water makes addition this magnificence.

It is horrible day because that day lightnings drill the sky and come the earth.Light blind all of us .Everywhere cover with redness.Redness reminds us blood .Also you feel the bloods smell.As if we were in hell.Moreover,you can feel the hells horror.Nobody is out,as if trees and verdure trembled with fear.Thunder makes us deaf.

Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder. People with schizophrenia sometimes hear voices others don’t hear, believe that others are broadcasting their thoughts to the world, or become convinced that others are plotting to harm them. These experiences can make them fearful and withdrawn and cause difficulties when they try to have relationships with others.Symptoms usually develop in men in their late teens or early twenties and women in the twenties and thirties, but in rare cases, can appear in childhood. They can include hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking, movement disorders, flat affect, social withdrawal, and cognitive deficits.Schizophrenia is believed to result from a combination of environmental and genetic factors. People with schizophrenia are not especially prone to violence and often prefer to be left alone.So we shouldnt be afraid of them;moreover, we should help to socialise them.


This week I want to mention about my favorite film ''A BEAUTIFUL MIND''.I watched it in highschool.It impress me so much.A Beautiful Mind is a 2001 American biographical film about John Forbes Nash, the Nobel Laureate in Economics. The film was directed by Ron Howard and written by Akiva Goldsman. It was inspired by a bestselling, Pulitzer Prize-nominated 1998 book of the same name by Sylvia Nasar. The film stars Russell Crowe, along with Jennifer Connelly, Ed Harris and Paul Bettany.
The story begins in the early years of Nash's life at Princeton University as he develops his "original idea" that will revolutionize the world of mathematics. Early in the movie, Nash begins developing paranoid schizophrenia and endures delusional episodes while painfully watching the loss and burden his condition brings on his wife and friends.In the end of the film Nash doesnt get rid of his delusion but gets use to living with them.
The film opened in US cinemas on December 21, 2001. It was well-received by critics, grossed over $300 million worldwide, and went on to win four Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actress. I recommend this film everyone I am sure you will enjoy it so much.

18 Ekim 2008 Cumartesi


I want to mention about influencing of the non fictions serious on children.For example "Selena,Prenses Perfunya,Nana".I select this subject because recently I face with an events .One day while we sat with my five-year-old cousin.I wanted her to bring me a glass of water.she said"I immediately brought it with my magic.I shocked.I tried to convince her that all of them are nonsense ,unreality.I dont know how much I have a success.I think,children shouldnt watch them.Parents should be careful what their children watch.
If enough precautions arent taken,it can lead much more harm.maybe,a child can be impressed with Selanas flying and thinks I can do that so he/she throw himself somewhere.


This week I want to mention about SAFRANBOLU.Safranbolu is Karabük province.It has got a very important historical value.Once a city of roman Province of "Paphlagonia", Safranbolu has hosted many civilizations including the Roman ,Byzantıne, Selcuk and Ottoman Empires throughout its history. During the Ottoman era the town served as an important junction on the Kastamonu - Gerede (Bolu)İstanbul route of the famous silk road. Safranbolu was at the same time a popular residence for Ottoman Royalty .When I return Karabük I immediately visit safranbolu.Because its beauty amaze me again and again however much I go there.Especially I like climbing "Hıdırlık hill" because you can see the whole Safranbolu from there.If one day you come here,you absolutely wont go without eating "SAFRANBOLU LOKUM"

17 Ekim 2008 Cuma


Recently,Turkey is in lament.Because 17 of our soldiers have been killed in southeastern Turkey in an attack by terrorists based in Northern Iraq.We know that this isnt first or last attack.We condemn them and also we protest these events.But these arent sufficent.We should do something immediately.For instance,education isnt adequate in the east of the Turkey .Most of the teachers dont want to go there.They are right .I cant blame them.Living conditions in there very harsh.I think,government should invest there urgently.In there most of the people are unemployed and illiterate.To find money they can do everything.They can be easily deceived by rebels.If living conditions and education rate are improved there,they have a conscious about what happens their environment.Moreever,they wont be easily cheated.Consequently,IF WE DONT WANT TO HAVE MARTYRS ANYMORE,WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING.

11 Ekim 2008 Cumartesi


I read a book called ''BLACK SPELL'' by MAXIME CHATTEM.It is a very thrilling book.If you are frightened of spiders,you shouldnt read ıt.In thıs book a lot of mysterious things happen.A murderer kılls only women.Two detectives inspect these events.In the end the detectives can solve them but...İf you want to learn more,you should read it.I am sure ,you will enjoy it.


Air pollution is a globel problem.Because it is located in the athmosphere.It can travel easily.So it has been the subject of global cooparation and conflict.Furthermore ,it doesnt damage only people .It also damage plants and animals.We dont have a right to kill animals and plants .We have to care about them.When we pollute air ,we damage everybody and everything over the world.Consequently we have to be careful about our environment.


Brain drain is an important issue for governments nowadays.Several qualified people go to another country and don't return. If the governments want to prevent brain drain. Firstly, they should provide enough capital for researchs.Secondly, they should support innovation. Thirdly, even if the clever brains go to another country ,the governments should do their best to return them. When they return , I think ,they will do their best to develop their country.